See dramatic improvements in your child's sleep in a matter of days.
This is a whole family approach with no hidden costs:
A chance to connect on a personal level with the sleep fixer herself!
A Mum who gets it and doesn't want you to struggle anymore.
The Sleep Fixer will talk to you about your current situation and help you to create a life changing plan to create the bedtime of dreams.
Imagine your life without those bedtime battles.
You will be supported throughout your whole sleep journey.
A chance to be able to fix sleep yourself with a simple. easy-to-follow online workshop created by The Sleep Fixer.
This pack takes you on a journey of sleep to give you all the information to be able to tackle sleep confidently as a parent and get those lovely adult evenings back that you've been missing for such a long time.
The Sleep Fixer will be on-hand to answer any queries and support you to turn your dreams into a reality.
Let's make bedtime, the best time!

Join The Sleep Fixer community group on Facebook

Hi, I’m Kerry, also known as The Sleep Fixer

Sleep Practitioner
I overcame my own children’s sleep problems to finally get a good night’s sleep, and I can do the same for you and for your children.
As a professional Sleep Practitioner, I use simple science-based solutions to give sleep deprived children and adults like you the help you need to get a good night’s sleep.
I offer personalised children’s sleep plans, online group workshops, and 1-2-1 programmes for adults suffering with insomnia, all tailored to your values.
Most of my clients see dramatic improvements in their sleep in a matter of days. They tell me my approach is life-changing, taking them from sleep-deprived and stressed, to well rested and positive about the future.
“Kerry has helped us to change what was a difficult and stressful 2-3 hours into an earlier, calm and reliable routine that’s one of our favourite times of the day!”
- Rebecca Brown
This is why I do what I do.
Thanks to the Internet, I can help you and your family, wherever you are, over Zoom, or on the phone. I take a ‘whole family’ approach, to make you all feel empowered that you know what to do and work together as a sleep fixing team, and I’m there to help you all the way.
Where the Sleep Fixer Magic Began
As a mum to two school-aged kids myself, I know exactly how vital a good night’s sleep really is. I’ve been there myself, with a toddler who just wouldn’t sleep. It was so tough and made everything else in our lives so much harder and more stressful than it needed to be. But I don’t need to tell you that, do I?
Thankfully, I was offered a Sleep Practitioner course through my employer back in 2011, and with my then two-year-old daughter’s sleep problems, it was a lifeline.
Through that expert training, I solved my daughter’s sleep problems, and it changed everything. I wanted to spread that sleep fixing magic around, for other parents and carers, and adults with sleep disorders.
I’m now a member of the British Sleep Society, the professional organisation for medical, scientific and healthcare workers dealing with sleeping disorders. I’ve also completed two sleep schools certified by the British Medical Journal, and training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia in adults.
Before that I trained as a learning disability nurse and taught in a school for teenagers at risk of exclusion. My many roles within mental health, hospital settings, schools, and with families of children with SEN have given me a wealth of knowledge and experience that mean I can help almost any family.
Other highlights include:
Becoming the 1st ever Behavioural Sleep Practitioner at the world-renowned Evelina Sleep Hospital
Delivering sleep training courses to the NHS and schools
Presenting sleep research, as Keynote Speaker for the Royal Society of Medicine
Private Sleep Consultant for The Sleep Charity
Multiple features in Closer magazine
Giving sleep tips on an Instagram Live with Mother and Baby magazine
I make complex sleep science accessible to thousands of families via the NHS, local authority and private clients. This means I can keep prices down for my Sleep Fixer customers, because I believe that good quality sleep support should be available for all families.
This is the kind of feedback that makes my day:
“He slept through, what is this witchcraft?”
- Ruth Coates
“Sleep deprivation is far from fun and so glad we’re not suffering with it anymore.”
- Tracey Gee
“After 2.5 years, our daughter is finally sleeping through the night again.”
- Nikki Wilson
“It’s like magic. After many nights crying because I was so tired… each day has gotten better. You have changed our lives.”
- Toni Robertson
How My Sleep Fixer Strategies Make a Good Night’s Sleep Achievable
My first step is to see what’s happening in your home at bedtime, to see how I can make it easier. I work out how I can make everything feel calmer for everybody and fix even long-standing sleep problems.
I work with you to come up with simple practical solutions that will make a real difference to your whole family. My strategies are based on science and are recommended by hundreds of other parents just like you – check out our Facebook page for our reviews and see how life-changing getting proper sleep has been for my clients.
No pressure. No stress. Just simple sleep strategies that work. With my support every step of the way.
There will be low points, but I’ll be there to help you through them and get you back on track. I’ll also be there to celebrate the wins. And trust me, they will come.
It may not feel like it now, but one day soon, you’ll look back, and all this stress and worry caused by children’s sleep problems will be behind you.
My Values
I offer personalised sleep plans, tailored to your child and family, always working with your family’s values. There’s no ‘crying it out’ here. It’s a gentle, yet extremely effective approach. For adults suffering from sleep issues, I offer 6 week 1-2-1 courses, based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia.
Everyone deserves the chance to get their sleep issues fixed. Price shouldn’t be a barrier, but sadly the price of so many sleep coaches is out of reach for many families. That’s why as well as 1-2-1 programmes, I also offer affordable group workshops, so that everyone can have access to my simple sleep strategies, and finally get the good night’s sleep you all need.
You’re Not Alone.
Sleep problems are common, but after the toddler stage, it’s not talked about that much.
86% of children with SEN will have sleep difficulties.
40-50% of neuro typically developing children will, too.
40% of adults also have sleep problems.
There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to tackling sleep issues. Our differences make us unique and that’s why I get to know you and take the time to give you the individual help you need, in a way that works for you.
What if you didn’t have to feel stressed and worried about bedtime anymore?